Urea exports will hit a record high in 2010

November was the last month of the implementation of low export tariffs. Urea, DAP, MAP and other fertilizer exports were rising in volume and price. The export of urea this month was 1.444 million tons, an increase of 166.2% year-on-year; it was the highest monthly export since 2008. This month, India continued to be the largest buyer of urea in China, accounting for 46.7%. In addition, exports to Bangladesh and the United States accounted for 18.8% and 13.7%, respectively. From January to November, total urea export volume was 5.519 million tons, an increase of 91.8% year-on-year; this means that urea exports in 2010 will surely exceed the historical peak of 5.254 million tons in 2007. The FOB of FOB urea exports this month was US$310.5/ton, up by nearly US$30/ton from the previous month.

DAP's export volume this month was 468,000 tons, an increase of 80.1% year-on-year; the FOB of the average FOB export price was US$480.7/ton, which was an increase of US$20/ton from the previous month. From January to November, the cumulative export volume was 3.580 million tons, an increase of 86.7% year-on-year, of which exports to India were 2.587 million tons, accounting for 60.8%.

MAP exports this month were 113,000 tons, a year-on-year increase of 175.4%; FOB, the average FOB export price, was US$450/ton, up by nearly US$80/ton from the previous month. From January to November, cumulative exports reached 877,000 tons, an increase of 80.2% year-on-year.

The export of single nitrogen fertilizer and single phosphate fertilizer continued to show an ups and downs as it was not affected by the adjustment of export tariff policies. The export volume of TSP for this month was 195,000 tons, which was the highest monthly export record for the current month, but it still dropped 23.8% year-on-year.

In total, in November, China’s total fertilizer exports were approximately 2.3 million tons, an increase of 89.3% year-on-year; cumulative exports from January to November totaled approximately 12.77 million tons, a year-on-year increase of more than double.