Choose the right coating to quickly live in a new home

The renovation project has basically come to an end. Through the internet, many things are bought online, saving a lot of money; and also knowing a lot of decoration experience. Let's share some experiences with you now.

Simply introduce the basic information of the house to be renovated:

[House]: One bedroom and one hall

[Building area]: 53.84

[Use area]: 41

[Renovation budget]: 50,000

[style]: modern and simple

"Painting" project is a key project in the family decoration process, and it can't be sloppy at all.

The selection of Dulux paints:

Dulux Ultra Cleansing

Dulux Ultra Cleansing

A room 50,000 -100000 Renovation Simple Style Paint Glass Home Decoration Space Paint Home Decoration Budget Table Modern Simple Decoration Effect Picture House Decoration Effect Picture

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