Japan's heavy rain will reach nuclear power stations

Sewage pipe breaks down Underground sewage leak rises close to the ground Japan's torrential rain will reach the nuclear power station "spoke" Water is difficult to receive Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station once again sounded an alarm on the 28th, this time because heavy polluted water may flow out of the storage pool.

According to the Tokyo Electric Power Corporation's explanation, contaminated water leaked during the transfer of the integrated pollution treatment facility to the nuclear power plant due to water pipe rupture and other reasons. After stopping the transfer, the contaminated water deposited in the puddle continues to rise and is already near the mouth of the pit. It may flow out of the ground at any time.

The heavily polluted water in Unit 3's water pit has risen to only 43 cm from the pit. At normal speed, after a few days, heavy polluted water will overflow the pit and flow to the ground and the sea.

At the same time, the Japan Meteorological Agency issued a storm warning. On the 30th, the Kanto region will be hit by a typhoon. The 24-hour rainfall at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will reach 120 mm to 140 mm. As the top of the buildings of several units have been destroyed by hydrogen, a large amount of rainwater will be directly dropped into the puddles, resulting in a significant increase in the amount of heavy polluted water in the puddles.

As of the 28th, the integrated pollution treatment center in the nuclear power plant can also contain less than 4,000 tons of heavy polluted water. In addition, the daily cooling of the atomic furnace still requires a large amount of water to be injected. It is conservatively estimated that the heavy polluted water at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has reached 100,000 tons.

The report quoted the Tokyo Electric Power Company as saying that if the rainfall is too high, it will be difficult to ensure that the heavily polluted water does not flow into the nearby sea. At present, the company is taking countermeasures to avoid such vicious spills as much as possible.

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