Fruit spray calcium control disease

The soil is rich in calcium, the fruit is deficient in calcium, and the calcium content is low, not because of calcium deficiency in the soil, but because of absorption and distribution disorders. The absorption of calcium from the soil by the fruit trees is mainly absorbed by the root tip. If the soil is poorly managed, the root system is poorly developed, or the drought is deficient in water, and the ammonium, potassium, and magnesium in the soil solution are excessive, which is in conflict with calcium, which may adversely affect the absorption of calcium. The calcium absorbed by the fruit trees is mainly transported to the aboveground part with the transpiration of water, and it is not easy to move to the fruit after entering the branches and leaves. The distribution of calcium between leaves and fruits is restricted by cultivation management and plant growth status. If the nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the growth of branches and leaves is too strong, and the competition of calcium in the branches and leaves is intensified, and the accumulation of calcium in the fruits is reduced. The transpiration of the leaves of the short fruit branches contributes to the absorption of calcium by the fruit. The longer fruits of the fruit branches have higher calcium levels. As a result, the leaves of the branches will affect the absorption of calcium nutrition. Mungshu summer shear has the effect of alleviating the calcium malnutrition of the fruit.
The methods for controlling fruit calcium malnutrition are as follows:
1. First of all, we must adjust the cultivation management measures. Add organic fertilizer, balance fertilizer elements, prevent partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, and avoid ammonium fertilizer. Improve soil management and promote root growth. Finely trimmed, appropriate summer shears, control the growth of branches and leaves.
2. Spray calcium during the growing season. Calcium supplementation of fruit is mainly by spraying. Roots of calcium fertilizer may enter most of the branches and leaves, but can not improve the calcium content of the fruit. The calcium agents that have been reported in the experiment mainly include calcium nitrate, Calcium chloride and chelated calcium, and the first two are inexpensive and readily available. Mixing with borax is more effective than single-spraying. Commonly used spraying concentrations are: calcium nitrate 0.4% plus borax 0.1%; calcium Chloride 0.3% plus borax 0.1%. The absorption and accumulation of calcium in apple and peach fruits is mainly in the young fruit stage, and can be absorbed in the late stage of fruit development. Generally, it can be sprayed 3-8 times from the young fruit stage to the harvest. The bagged orchard can be sprayed 2-3 times before bagging, and sprayed once after the bag is unpacked. Calcium supplementation prevents calcium malnutrition, and can also improve fruit firmness, storability, intrinsic quality and shelf life, and enhance fruit disease resistance and reduce rotten fruit.
Note: Calcium nitrate and calcium chloride can be mixed with various fungicides, but they cannot be mixed with sulfur-containing pesticides and phosphates (such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate) to avoid insoluble precipitates. Calcium nitrate and calcium chloride are easy to absorb moisture, and must be sealed to prevent moisture after opening.

Source of information: Changde Agricultural Economic Net
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